
what commercial copyright do i have on images generated by AI ?

The commercial copyright on images generated by AI on our Word2Pic platform can vary based on several factors including the terms of service of our platform, the nature of the input provided by the user, and the laws and regulations pertaining to copyright and AI-generated content in your jurisdiction.

What’s the cancellation policy?

Free Trial Cancellations: Users can cancel their free trial anytime before it ends to avoid any charges. Cancellations can be made through the user account settings on our website. Subscription Cancellations: Users can cancel their subscription at any time. However, please note that cancellations made during the subscription period will not result in a prorated refund for the remaining days of the subscription.

What is word2pic?

Welcome to Word2Pic, where your words transform into vivid images through the magic of Artificial Intelligence. Our platform is designed to bridge the gap between imagination and visual reality, providing a seamless interface for users to generate images from textual descriptions.

What payment methods do you support?

We are committed to providing a seamless and secure payment experience for our users. Currently, we accept payments via credit card. You can easily make a payment using any of the major credit card networks including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Do you offer free trials?

Yes we do! – 7 days free trial